What are THE BIG CD vocabulary flash cards?

Basically, these flashcards are convenient note cards (the size of visiting cards) that have a word on one side and its meaning, synonym and antonym (if any), and examples of its usage on the card’s reverse side. These flashcards harness the power of word-lists in a unique manner. This video will help you understand about these flashcards

How do the flashcards look?

Below we have an illustrative flash card from the meticulously prepared and intelligently designed pack of THE BIG CD Flashcards.

Front side

As it can be seen, this side has a word: ABBREVIATE along with the part of speech it belongs to, its pronunciation, and difficulty level of the word.

Reverse side

The reverse side of the same card has its synonym/s or meaning, antonym/s and examples of how it can be used in a sentence.

Why and how are these flashcards beneficial?

These simple flappable study tools are a fun way of learning words or enhancing one’s vocabulary because they are portable; easy to carry; and inclusive of different factors that help in strong retention of the word in one’s memory. These cards lead to continued learning in easy batches/ segments.

One can use them to learn the words individually or in a group. One can decide how many words one has to learn and can accordingly use or carry these flashcards. The convenience and freedom that these flashcards offer interest the students and encourage learning of words in a fun yet an enduring way.

If used regularly and in different ways, these flashcards not just help raise scores in most competitive and standardized exams but also increase vocabulary holistically.

How can these flashcards be used?

Pick, Group, and Learn!

Although the flashcards in the pack of The Big CD Flashcards are arranged in an alphabetical order, you may pick and group them as per your convenience. Usually, students group flashcards on the basis of the difficulty level of the words, parts of speech, categories of words, etc. in addition to the alphabets and carry 20-40 flashcards in the sleeve provided in the box. This practice enables the students to study the words at their own pace and leisure.

Carry, Shuffle, and Memorize!

The best to learn vocabulary from these flashcards is to carry a few them along daily and read them when travelling to and from home to school/ college/ office. Using the words learnt in one’s conversations and writings and to build sentences of your own, goes a long way in meaningful retention of these words. Shuffling these flashcards builds sight recognition of the words and the synonyms and antonyms of the words spring up in the mind instantaneously.

Test and Master!

To master the words, go through 10-15 flashcards several times a day. Having learnt the meaning, synonyms, and antonyms of a word, a student must avoid looking at the back of the flashcards as much as possible. After having mastered about 10 cards, a student must set them aside and add about the same number of flashcards to his/ her working pile. This method not only leads a student to master the words perfectly but also helps him/ her to avoid wasting time on reviewing the words learnt/ mastered already.

The Online Access Code given on the Instruction Manual included in every box, allows a student to work with 50+ Vocabulary Building and Testing Exercises.

Regular and sincere practice is the key to mastering words and enhancing one’s vocabulary!


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